2 Month Old Feeding Schedule

2 Month Old Feeding Schedule


As a new parent, the first few months with your baby can be overwhelming. One of the most important aspects of caring for your newborn is ensuring they are fed properly. In this article, we will provide you with a guide on a 2-month-old feeding schedule. We will also answer some common questions and provide tips to make this experience less stressful.

Personal Experience

As a new mother, I had a difficult time figuring out my baby’s feeding schedule. I was constantly worried about whether my baby was getting enough to eat. After some trial and error, I was able to establish a feeding routine that worked for both of us.

List of Events or Competition of “2 Month Old Feeding Schedule”

There are no events or competitions related to a 2-month-old feeding schedule. However, it is important to ensure your baby is gaining weight and meeting their developmental milestones.

Detail Schedule Guide for “2 Month Old Feeding Schedule”

At 2 months old, your baby will typically be feeding every 2-3 hours, or 8-12 times in a 24 hour period. It is important to feed your baby on demand, meaning whenever they show signs of hunger. This can include rooting, sucking on their hands, or crying. Babies at this age will typically consume 3-4 ounces of breast milk or formula per feeding. It is important to burp your baby after each feeding to prevent discomfort and gas.

Schedule Table for “2 Month Old Feeding Schedule”

Time Feeding
6am Formula/Breast Milk
9am Formula/Breast Milk
12pm Formula/Breast Milk
3pm Formula/Breast Milk
6pm Formula/Breast Milk
9pm Formula/Breast Milk
12am Formula/Breast Milk
3am Formula/Breast Milk

Question and Answer

Q: How do I know if my baby is getting enough to eat?

A: You can monitor your baby’s weight gain and diaper output to ensure they are getting enough to eat. Your pediatrician can also provide guidance and support.

Q: Can I breastfeed and formula feed my baby?

A: Yes, you can choose to breastfeed and formula feed your baby. It is important to establish a routine that works for you and your baby.


Q: Can I feed my baby on a schedule?

A: It is recommended to feed your baby on demand at this age. However, some parents may choose to establish a schedule that works for them and their baby.

Q: How long should a feeding session last?

A: A feeding session can last anywhere from 10-30 minutes per breast or bottle.

Q: What should I do if my baby is not gaining weight?

A: It is important to talk to your pediatrician if your baby is not gaining weight. They can provide guidance and support to ensure your baby is healthy and thriving.

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