Baby Well Visit Schedule

Baby Well Visit Schedule


As a new parent, taking care of your baby’s health is your top priority. One of the most important things you can do to ensure your baby’s well-being is to follow the recommended schedule for well-baby visits. In this article, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive guide to the baby well visit schedule.

Personal Experience

When my daughter was born, I was overwhelmed with all the information and advice I received from family and friends. I wanted to make sure I was doing everything right, especially when it came to her health. That’s why I made sure to follow the recommended schedule for well-baby visits. During these visits, my daughter’s pediatrician checked her growth and development, as well as her overall health. The doctor also provided valuable advice on topics like feeding, sleep, and safety. I found these visits to be incredibly helpful, and they gave me peace of mind as a new parent.

What is the Baby Well Visit Schedule?

The baby well visit schedule is a series of check-ups recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) for babies and young children. These visits are designed to monitor your child’s growth, development, and health. The AAP recommends that babies have their first well visit within three to five days after birth. After that, well visits should be scheduled at the following intervals: – 1 month old – 2 months old – 4 months old – 6 months old – 9 months old – 12 months old – 15 months old – 18 months old – 2 years old – 2 1/2 years old – 3 years old

List of Events or Competition of “Baby Well Visit Schedule”

There are no specific events or competitions associated with the baby well visit schedule. However, some pediatricians may offer incentives or rewards for families who keep up with their child’s well visits.

Detail Schedule Guide for “Baby Well Visit Schedule”

During each well visit, your child’s pediatrician will perform a physical exam and ask questions about your child’s health and development. The doctor will also give you advice on topics like feeding, sleep, and safety. Here’s what you can expect at each well visit: – Newborn: During the first well visit, the doctor will check your baby’s weight, length, and head circumference. The doctor will also check your baby’s eyes, ears, heart, and lungs. You’ll discuss feeding and sleep patterns, and the doctor will provide guidance on caring for your newborn. – 1 month old: At this visit, the doctor will check your baby’s weight, length, and head circumference again. The doctor will also check your baby’s reflexes and muscle tone. You’ll discuss feeding and sleep patterns, and the doctor will provide guidance on infant development. – 2 months old: During this visit, the doctor will check your baby’s weight, length, and head circumference once again. The doctor will also check your baby’s eyes, ears, heart, and lungs. You’ll discuss feeding and sleep patterns, and the doctor will provide guidance on infant development. – 4 months old: At this visit, the doctor will check your baby’s weight, length, and head circumference yet again. The doctor will also check your baby’s development, including their ability to sit up and roll over. You’ll discuss feeding and sleep patterns, and the doctor will provide guidance on infant development. – 6 months old: During this visit, the doctor will check your baby’s weight, length, and head circumference as usual. The doctor will also check your baby’s teeth and gums, as well as their motor skills. You’ll discuss feeding and sleep patterns, and the doctor will provide guidance on infant development. – 9 months old: At this visit, the doctor will check your baby’s weight, length, and head circumference once more. The doctor will also check your baby’s development, including their ability to crawl and pull up. You’ll discuss feeding and sleep patterns, and the doctor will provide guidance on infant development. – 12 months old: During this visit, the doctor will check your baby’s weight, length, and head circumference as usual. The doctor will also check your baby’s development, including their ability to walk and talk. You’ll discuss feeding and sleep patterns, and the doctor will provide guidance on toddler development. – 15 months old: At this visit, the doctor will check your toddler’s weight, length, and head circumference once again. The doctor will also check your toddler’s development, including their language skills and social interactions. You’ll discuss feeding and sleep patterns, and the doctor will provide guidance on toddler development. – 18 months old: During this visit, the doctor will check your toddler’s weight, length, and head circumference as usual. The doctor will also check your toddler’s development, including their ability to follow directions and use utensils. You’ll discuss feeding and sleep patterns, and the doctor will provide guidance on toddler development. – 2 years old: At this visit, the doctor will check your child’s weight, height, and head circumference once again. The doctor will also check your child’s development, including their speech and social skills. You’ll discuss feeding and sleep patterns, and the doctor will provide guidance on preschooler development. – 2 1/2 years old: During this visit, the doctor will check your child’s weight, height, and head circumference as usual. The doctor will also check your child’s development, including their ability to follow directions and interact with others. You’ll discuss feeding and sleep patterns, and the doctor will provide guidance on preschooler development. – 3 years old: At this visit, the doctor will check your child’s weight, height, and head circumference once again. The doctor will also check your child’s development, including their cognitive and social skills. You’ll discuss feeding and sleep patterns, and the doctor will provide guidance on preschooler development.

Schedule Table for “Baby Well Visit Schedule”

Here’s a table that outlines the recommended schedule for well-baby visits:

Age Visit
0-5 days First well visit
1 month Second well visit
2 months Third well visit
4 months Fourth well visit
6 months Fifth well visit
9 months Sixth well visit
12 months Seventh well visit
15 months Eighth well visit
18 months Ninth well visit
2 years Tenth well visit
2 1/2 years Eleventh well visit
3 years Twelfth well visit

Question and Answer

Q: What if I miss a well-baby visit?

A: It’s important to try to stay on schedule with well-baby visits, but if you miss one, don’t panic. Just schedule the next visit as soon as possible.

Q: Do I need to bring anything to the well-baby visit?

A: Yes, you should bring your baby’s health record and any questions you have for the pediatrician.

Q: Are well-baby visits covered by insurance?

A: Most insurance plans cover well-baby visits. Check with your insurance provider to confirm coverage.


Q: What should I expect during a well-baby visit?

A: During a well-baby visit, the pediatrician will perform a physical exam and ask questions about your child’s health and development. The doctor will also provide guidance on topics like feeding, sleep, and safety.

Q: How often do I need to schedule well-baby visits?

A: The recommended schedule for well-baby visits is every 2-3 months during the first year of life, and then annually after that.

Q: What if my baby is sick between well-baby visits?

A: If your baby is sick or has a health concern between well-baby visits, contact your pediatrician right away. They may schedule a sick visit or provide guidance over the phone.

Q: How can I prepare for a well-baby visit?

A: Before a well-baby visit, make sure to bring your baby’s health record and any questions you have for the pediatrician. You should also be prepared to discuss your baby’s feeding, sleep, and developmental milestones.

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