Psc Cuny Salary Schedule

Psc Cuny Salary Schedule


If you’re a part of the Psc Cuny union, then you must be aware of the salary schedule that determines your pay. As the year 2023 begins, it’s important to have a clear understanding of this schedule to ensure that you’re being paid correctly. In this article, we’ll explain everything you need to know about the Psc Cuny Salary Schedule.

Personal Experience

As a member of the Psc Cuny union, I’ve had my fair share of confusion when it comes to the salary schedule. I remember receiving a paycheck that was much less than I had expected, only to find out that I had been placed on the wrong step of the schedule. It was frustrating, but it taught me the importance of knowing the schedule inside out.

What is the Psc Cuny Salary Schedule?

The Psc Cuny Salary Schedule is a chart that outlines the salaries of all unionized employees. It consists of a series of steps, each of which represents a certain level of experience and education. The higher the step, the higher the salary.

List of Events and Competitions

The Psc Cuny union holds several events and competitions throughout the year to help members stay updated on the latest developments. One such event is the Annual Salary Schedule Review, where members can learn about any changes made to the schedule. There are also competitions for members to showcase their skills and win prizes.

Detail Schedule Guide

To understand the Psc Cuny Salary Schedule, you need to know how it’s structured. The schedule is divided into two parts: the Basic Salary Schedule and the Additional Compensation Schedule. The Basic Salary Schedule outlines the base salary that a member will receive, while the Additional Compensation Schedule provides additional payments for things like advanced degrees or teaching in high-needs areas.

Schedule Table

Here is a sample table of the Psc Cuny Salary Schedule:

Step Salary
1 $50,000
2 $52,000
3 $54,000
4 $56,000
5 $58,000

Question and Answer

Here are some common questions about the Psc Cuny Salary Schedule:

Q: How often is the salary schedule updated?

A: The salary schedule is reviewed annually, but changes may be made throughout the year if necessary.

Q: How do I know which step I’m on?

A: Your step is typically listed on your paycheck, but you can also check with your union representative or HR department.

Q: What happens if I disagree with my placement on the schedule?

A: You can file a grievance with the union and request a review of your placement on the schedule.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the Psc Cuny Salary Schedule:

Q: Are all Psc Cuny members placed on the same salary schedule?

A: No, there are separate salary schedules for different positions and titles.

Q: Can I negotiate my salary within the salary schedule?

A: No, the salary schedule is a set chart that determines your pay based on your experience and education.

Q: Can I receive additional compensation outside of the salary schedule?

A: It depends on your position and title, but there may be opportunities for additional compensation through grants or other programs.


The Psc Cuny Salary Schedule may seem complicated at first, but it’s important to take the time to understand it. By knowing your step and understanding the structure of the schedule, you can ensure that you’re being paid correctly. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to your union representative or HR department.

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